After World War I, the gated elites began to deploy intelligence
liaisons to learn about the rapidly changing world, and Rene Dobbs
(Bob’s father) was sent out into the trenches of a turbulent culture
to rub elbows with the literati, artists, and patrons of the shifting
global landscape. In World War II Bob stepped into his father’s
profession, showing up at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. From there
he went on to North America as an operative, eventually working as part of the CIA Secret Council of Ten (which he says he disbanded after becoming the head in the 1980s).
As Bob Dobbs, he was the inspiration for The Church of the Subgenuis
and the poster boy (literally) for the culture of slack. As the archivist for Marshal McLuhan, Bob has labored in the field known as “media ecology”, promoting McLuhan’s views on the shifting landscape
of media. From this, he developed the concepts of the “Five Bodied” human which dwells in flux amidst the “mystery landscape” of the post- Android (“chip body”) culture.
Bob can be heard with his wife, Dr, Carolyn Dean, on the weekly (Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM-PST) James Martinez’s Cash Flow show. From 2009-2011, he also brought forth a channeled “non-physical” group entity named ION (through an Atlanta-based southern gent named “JW”), which proceeded to generate thousands of hours of discussions on Cash Flow and other venues. ION, it seems was the harbinger of the emptying of the “Guff” (an old Hebrew term for the place where souls went when they transitioned from physical), economic destruction, the reset of human consciousness, and the ascension of humans into their bliss. ION's take on life: “Get happy or get out!” bio by Ed Long
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